Sunday, 1 July 2018

Reminiscing : Remember This When You're on The Brink of Giving Up

Usually whenever I happened to be in a very calm state after experiencing one particular stressful situation, I felt so much relieved and looked around, spot one of this specific scenery that makes me realize everything happens for a reason and it all start making sense. It reminds me of why I even started in the first place and that I should hang in there until I reach that final point. So I always took a picture of it, and keep it stored in my photo album for forever. Whenever I go through one of those I can just stare at it and say to myself, ‘last time I  survived, so I will again’. 

Yeah, weird habit. But hey, even if its just a little thing in life it really adds up to everything ;) 
Im sure you all have one of this kind no?

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